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Steeltalk forum crash

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For those of you (Old members that keep asking me) wondering we they cant get into the forum when they used to be able to, well Massive apologies to everyone, you may or may have not heard we lost the forum during an software update..
The first time in nearly three years that Steeltalk has been down.

We took a backup of the system , closed board , updated to new system as always and the dam thing crashed during the new software install has it hadn't modified the database as expected.

Mark tried to use the back up to restore the original but that refused to restore correctly. Result = crashed forum.

Users 100% need register again and for this I am really truly sorry and I know from my inbox and social media accounts some of you have found it very inconvenient... believe me we didn't plan all the extra work..

Speaking of extra work, I am getting the forum back to looking its best as fast as I can manage, but it does take tame, I do have a day job too :ugeek:

As soon as you guys have registered pop over to this thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14 where I explain exactly what I have been doing and the process so far... Also this is the best place for any feedback on the new look Steeltalk Forum

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